lunes, 27 de abril de 2009


R-N-R is back! Well,im gonna put up some gossips ive discovered at wAtEr GiRl578 webpage.

  • A new WITCH OST gossip (This is a quote from Karmilla_Loves_WTCH)

"I don't know how much has this goss been out,but im sure about 1 thing: The WITCH OST is going to have a new volume,based on the new power saga.I will keep you informed.



  • New Guardians???? (Quote from Jill /The big WITCH)

Hey guys! Ive just checked some questions that the members PM me.There are NOT going 2b new guardians.Hope that u capt this!

****Keep Strong_Be Happy****

Jill /The big WITCH

More to come soon!



Hey! This info was originally posted in my other, where I posted about all the latest news from this new saga.According to DCQ,they will be another saga after T2BW,but I can't confirm this info with my italian buddy, Jill /The big WITCH.

This is everything u have to know about the saga:

In this new series, the Guardians must find the magical children of Heatherfield and teach them to control their powers. To help them in this, Oracle Yan Lin gives them the key to the "Witch Van", a magical on-the-road school that is constantly changing and that houses the girls' "laboratories", places that are an expression of each girl's power. But there is an enemy called Takeda with terrifying ambitions to destroy all magic.
This are the names of the issues:
87. A Cold Magic
88. Who's Between You?
89. The Key of Summer
90. A Dive into the Heart
91. A Lot More
92. Not Alone Anymore
93. It Comes From Far Away
94. The Settlement
95. Endless Tears
96. Here On The Heart
Now every guardian has a new magical item to show their "evolution":
*Will has a pink bracelet with 2 little balls on the center
*Irma has a tambourine with a snow flake drawing
*Taranee has a ball that has lava inside
*Cornelia has a pink ribow (very elegant, btw)
*Hay Lin has a fan with the W.I.T.C.H symbols

Well,I personally think that this saga will show up as a great one.

Aclaring rumors,it WILL be another WITCH soundtrack,but this one will have stars like Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift, and more!


This videos are from YouTube

EVERYTIME THEY TOUCH-Will,Matt,Cornelia,Caleb

Cornelia and Peter???

W.I.T.C.H A new power

More 2 come soon!

domingo, 26 de abril de 2009



While Will sleeps,Matt steals her heart.The WITCH girls wake up with no powers,and while Corny is happy about it,the other girls feel different.
But a big comet is going to change their lives...
New Power #:2 - EARTH
The WITCH recive new powers and outfits and thay discover a secret: Matt is a magic helper of Kandrakar,who was sent by the oracle to steal their powers and replace them with some new ones,that are the elements in its more pure essence.Matt is distant from Will,and she wonders why....Its time for CORNELIA to discover her powers essence....
New Power #:3- ALL THE STARS
The WITCH are on vacations in separate ways: Will's travel gets a bit complicated,Irma and Hay Lin meet super stars in a summer camp,Taranee is in a camp in the mountains where she meets a boy named HAMZA, and she feels in love with him,and Cornelia stays in Heatherfield while her family travels,to spend some time with Peter.Dark Mother prepares an inminent attack...
New Power #:4 - FIRE
The WITCH crew is preparing for a new mission;they don't know where or when,they just know they have to be ready for it.Cornelia faces a familiar problem,while its time for TARANEE to find her power origin,and that journey will lead her to a dark secret.....
New Power#:5 - WATER
While in Taranee's head the words "YOU ARE ADOPTED" still resounding,the Corny and Will's family problems are still suprising us,but its time to IRMA to choose between magic or love....
New Power#:6 - EMOTIONS
William is born,and Will is totally radiant.Irma lives a forgiven love once again,Hay Lin will find out a secret love story and Corny discovers the "dark side" of Peter.This number is full of....emotions!
New Power #:7 - AIR
Its HAY LIN'S turn to find out her powers origin.When the WITCH group its just about to die in a terrible storm,the fragil Hay Lin discovers that she can open her winds and look for her element.Dark Mother sends a strong attack,and Hay Lin moves from her home....
New Power#:8 - ENERGY

This issue's challenge goes to WILL,who's upset about how Matt talks to her.She has to look in most deep of her heart to face off the hard challenge.She has to revive the present,the past,the love...Will she survive? This is,definetly,the most hardest New Power challenge....



Dark Mother is getting closer and closer.While the girls,ignoring all the trouble in Kandrakar,are preparing for a dance,a VERY special dance.....
New Power #:11 - I AM YOU
Dark Mother has arrived to Kandrakar,with devastating powers.The WITCH girls have to make the strongest unity they can to fight her back.While in Heatherfield,Will asks Matt is he stills loving her.....
New Power #:12 - IN THE HEART


Hey! W-U is gone,as u know,but theres a new forum replacing it, called WITCH United replacement.Join! We already have 40 registered members! Join today!